....be told I was excited about shooting three basketball games tonight! After all is said and done, I am kinda disappointed. The first two were just 8th grade boys games at Indian Springs Middle School where the light is pretty good for a middle school gym 3200, 640 shutter and 2.8. Nice color balance too. Well than I get to Keller Central for a high school. THE LIGHT SUCKED! 3200, 250, 2.8 and that was stretching it...I thought I had some nice images prior to editing...but no such luck, motion blur, motion blur, motion blur!! Buy some f___ing LIGHTS!!!
I bet Central's lights are still better than the 1A high schools I shot film in years ago! I'd always have to push-process 400 film to 800 to make it work, although there were times I could use flash without it looking too bad (black and white film is awesome). We had 1600 on hand, but it was way too grainy for low-light gyms.