....DAY!!!! It's was quite the day an emotional roller coaster for old Ray Ray! Some good, some bad, some ugly, some sad...but I guess as I write this about 10:49pm....it boils down to ONE thing when I am in the right frame of mind making images I am my happiness. It was a rough day early on and its got worse as I drove to TCU for tonight's woman's game vs. New Mexico which started at 6pm. Traffic was heavy and looked to take back roads; well it back fired and I ended up about 8 miles west of TCU....I couldn't cross the damn railroad tracks! I finally got there as they announced the starting line up's....but than I forgot to have a CF card in my one camera and then when I figured that out I forgot to format it....so I am done editing...TCU win's the MWC regular season championship....and as always here's THREE!!!
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